The Washington D.C. Metro May median sales price of $465,000 was at the highest monthly level of the decade, rising1.1% or $5,000 compared to last year and up 3.3% or $15,000 compared to last month.
Sales volume across the DC Metro area was more than $3.2 billion, up 4.8% from last year.
Closed sales of 5,720 were up 1.8% compared to last year and at the highest May level of the decade, while new contracts of 6,487 were down 2.7% compared to last year.
The 8,326 new listings in May were up 3.0% compared to last year and were at the highest May level of the decade.
Active listings of 9,391 are down 4.8% compared to last year, marking the 25th consecutive month of declines in year-over-year inventory levels.
The average percent of original list price received at sale in May was 99.0%, the same as last month, but up from last year’s 98.8% and at the highest May level of the decade.
The median days-on-market this month was nine days, down one day from last year and the same as last month.
